List all valid email addresses in Exchange 2007
· ☕ 1 min read
You may need these to configure your 3rd party antispam software/appliance. There were lots of articles on the internet with complicated solutions, which did not work for me. Here a Powershell one-liner for Exchange management shell.

Driver letter not available for mapping
· ☕ 1 min read
Somehow my Windows 7 partially remapped a drive letter to another entity. It happened suddenly with some unexpected behavior. I noticed it when it could no longer connect to a network share. I removed the mapping and tried recreating with no success. The drive could not be deleted. Restarted, the drive is not mapped, yet it's still not available.

PHPBB3 - Customizing templates (Prosilver)
· ☕ 2 min read
I recently had some experience changing default prosilver template in PHPBB3. It was not as simple as I expected it to be. Well, I figured the path styles\prosilver\template\ and html file name to change, but it took me a while to understand why pages were not refreshing.

.NET parallel for - how good is it?
· ☕ 2 min read
I recently had a Microsoft workshop session and became excited about parallel for/foreach/etc. There we got a solid 60% of efficiency. It means that whenever number of cores increases by 2x, performance is boosted by 1.6x.

VB.NET - Compare strings - case sensitivity issues
· ☕ 1 min read
I recently stumbled upon this problem in one of our company .NET projects. For some reason, project settings there were configured for Text comparison, rather than Binary. As a result, lower case strings were equal to upper case, which was discovered later when some bug in UI occured. There were three solutions available.

My experience with TekSavvy Extreme Cable
· ☕ 3 min read
This is what I was able to dig up from my emails and memory. Something might be missing from the chain, but overall should be enough to connect the dots. I completed the sign-up to Teksavvy Cable Extreme on 19-02-2011, using their modem SB6120.