.NET Core 2.0 Worth Using?
· ☕ 2 min read
September of 2017 is almost gone, and only now I had a chance to look at the most recent issue of the monthly MSDN magazine. What's the hot topic in September? .NET Core 2.0 / Standard 2.0 is highly praised by most MSDN authors. One of the articles mentions a feature I did not know existed. It's called Razor pages. In short, it's the new Web Forms.

TSQL - Get Index By Table Name + Column Name
· ☕ 1 min read
Below SQL code will find an index name that corresponds to the given table name and column name pair, and only include those indices with one column (exclude composite indices). Indices can be changed / added / removed by a DBA without impact to the application (part of DB tuning), so it's best not to assume their naming in an application deployment script. This can be useful to remove / replace certain indices without relying on index name.

Powershell - Get CPU Usage by Process (remote)
· ☕ 1 min read
You would expect `Get-Process` to do the job, but it turns out that its CPU metric is not on a 0..100% scale. Here is a one-liner (find who's eating into your CPU - or that of a remote server).

Extend Clickable Area For jQueryUI Slider
· ☕ 1 min read
Even using the default jQueryUI's slider style, the handle is larger than its container. Now suppose your container is 3x smaller than the handle (specific design requirement). There is a problem - you have to hit the container precisely to be able to change the slider's value. Otherwise nothing happens.

TypeScript - Getting started in Visual Studio 2015
· ☕ 4 min read
I decided to write this article simply because there are so many outdated answers to this question linked from Google. Here are some of the things you should NOT do - Install Web Essentials - Install Node Package Manager - Manually adjust project files to enable Typescript transpiler - Automatically adjust project files by installing a nuget package - Install something that downloads 1000s of files into a folder inside your project and works with fingers crossed.

Atom Editor by GitHub - Worth It?
· ☕ 5 min read
Overall, I spent 2 hours straight (no breaks for coffee), trying to make things work and really hoping it would suffice my basic needs. Unfortunately, integrated support for version control is crucial. Atom editor is fairly new, many important plugins are community authored, and most of them are poor quality, i.e. they work, but often you see display artifacts/glitches. Not a production quality product.

C# - Capture Full Stack Trace Inside Catch
· ☕ 3 min read
When you catch an exception, you only have stack trace relative to the catch point. Why is this important? Suppose the error occurs when sending email and this is a non-critical part of your application. Let's say you send confirmation emails to clients as part of the ordering process. Yes, it's bad if the email cannot reach your client (say, their email address is invalid), but your web server should not crash because of that.